The Wisdom of Anthony Wellington

I recently stumbled upon Anthony Wellington, I don’t know how, I think it was because of something Aguilar. I think that we all can glean from this sort of philosophical approach to music and practicing. Most of the cats that I know are all trying to practice as much as they can. I try to practice as much as I can but I am also looking for more efficient ways of learning and practicing. I am also always trying to philosophize and justify the role of music in my life. I am the type of player that would like to arrive at “Conscious Unknowing” on my instrument. This is a difficult concept for me because it is, in a way, learning things so well that you can basically “forget” what you have spent so much time learning. Personally, I have a hard time justifying spending so much time practicing, but if I want to reap the benefits of the freedom of uncontrolled expression then I have to put in the time. I know that just the medium amount of regular practice (I am no Billy Killson) that I have put in on guitar and upright bass has paid off. I am able to improvise and express myself on a greater creative level – I am still stifled because there is so much more to learn so that I can play the things that I hear in my head. For reasons I may not be able to explain, I am inspired by these thoughtful and eloquent words from Antony Wellington. I find this wisdom more imperative than watching some burning solo(sometimes) – he is asking you where you want to go, how to start, and what the goal is. I hope this helps you out with whether you are a musician, writer, photographer, ect. I have to remember that while I am playing music I should keep that “air guitar” smile on my face and so should you.

“No matter what it is that you know… no matter how big or how small…  you can know it unconsciously. If all you know is a major scale you can know that major scale so well that you don’t have to think about it anymore… So it doesn’t have to be a daunting task”.

– Anthony Wellington